SDHC to Apply for QHIO Designation

Exciting News! San Diego Health Connect is taking a momentous leap to elevate healthcare outcomes in our community. We're pursuing QHIO designation as part of the CalHHS Data Exchange Framework..

What does this mean? We're leading the way in statewide healthcare data sharing, making San Diego healthier by 2024! QHIO, or Qualified Health Information Organization, is a Health Information Organization (HIO) that meets strict DxF data exchange requirements.

The DxF builds a robust framework for statewide health and human service info exchange, ensuring seamless communication among healthcare entities, government agencies, and social service programs.

Join us in shaping a brighter healthcare future! If you’re a prospective participant, ask us how you can assist your connection to San Diego Health Connect with QHIO Onboarding Grants!

Read the full press release.