The DxF facilitates equitable, affordable, and secure health information exchange, so that patients, providers, and other healthcare entities can access the health information they need, wherever they are and whenever they need it.

The CalHHS Health and Human Services Data Exchange Framework (DxF) comprises a single Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) and common set of Policies and Procedures (P&Ps) that will govern the exchange of health and social services information among health care entities and government agencies beginning January 31, 2024. 

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What is a QHIO?

A QHIO is a Data Exchange Framework (DxF) designated intermediary that meets the criteria and requirements for secure data exchange. These intermediaries offer services and functions to support the sharing of health information, assisting health and social services entities as they initiate, receive, and reply to requests for information. DxF Participants may choose to use a QHIO or another intermediary to meet their Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) requirements for secure data exchange.

San Diego Health Connect was awarded Qualified Health Information Organization (QHIO) status in October 2023. A QHIO is a Health Information Organization (HIO) that has demonstrated its ability to meet DxF data exchange requirements. The DxF establishes a framework for statewide exchange of health and human service information. Signatories must be able to send and receive transactions, locate a patient record based on demographic data, translate health data to conform with industry-standard terminologies, apply security measures, and more.

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The Data Sharing Agreement

The Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) commits signatories to follow the same set of rules and policies to share patient information safely.